The wind is at our back.......
We are flying high right now as the wind is at our back and we are quickly, very quickly going to
have a baby in our hands.
99.9% of the stress is gone.
I am sure that it will return when we enter the hospital and the actual moment is upon us.
But, at this moment we are stress free.
The facts are all in our favor.
We are over 35 weeks along. Over 7 pounds in size. We have passed the DNA test. Counted fingers
through our 4D pictures, and have overall proven to be healthy.
If we were born today, we would not, should not, end up in the NICU unit.
That is one less thing that we need to stress about.
Now, Christy's main concern is appearance.
As an Intended Mother it's in her DNA to always be worried about something.
The 4D pictures make it look like our girl has my nose and lips.
She is concerned that I don't look like a girl.
Funny, I have never been concerned that I don't look like a girl.
It's never been an issue for me.
For me, being able to joke about appearance, instead of being worried about health and complications is simply a great relief and not one that I expected to have as I have read everyone else's birth stories over the years.
Finally, maybe one part of the process will be easy for us.
have a baby in our hands.
99.9% of the stress is gone.
I am sure that it will return when we enter the hospital and the actual moment is upon us.
But, at this moment we are stress free.
The facts are all in our favor.
We are over 35 weeks along. Over 7 pounds in size. We have passed the DNA test. Counted fingers
through our 4D pictures, and have overall proven to be healthy.
If we were born today, we would not, should not, end up in the NICU unit.
That is one less thing that we need to stress about.
Now, Christy's main concern is appearance.
As an Intended Mother it's in her DNA to always be worried about something.
The 4D pictures make it look like our girl has my nose and lips.
She is concerned that I don't look like a girl.
Funny, I have never been concerned that I don't look like a girl.
It's never been an issue for me.
For me, being able to joke about appearance, instead of being worried about health and complications is simply a great relief and not one that I expected to have as I have read everyone else's birth stories over the years.
Finally, maybe one part of the process will be easy for us.
We only weigh 6 pounds 4 ounces. And NICU unit is redundant.
SO YA. We are having fun.
This is true of both of mine at birth, but as they grew they definitely look like their sex.
So much changes as they grow and if she ends up with man features, well, she'll grow into them I'm sure.