Surrogacy Together - The Power of Teamwork and Shared Leadership

Surrogacy Together - The Power of Teamwork and Shared Leadership is the name of the book that I am working on to share my story.

The title covers my experience through the process.

Detailed plans, daily follow through, and teamwork carried us to success. 

We built a team with well defined roles and multiple leaders to complete our mission.

It was a very satisfying and humbling experience.

We had a large support network that helped guide us through the rough patches and uncertainty and get us to the other side. Without them the road would at times would have been impossible to navigate.

In our case, we had 4 distinct Support teams. While they were all important, not everyone was equal.

Some participated for a day, week, or month, while others were involved daily in the entire grinding experience.

At this time, I am dividing them into a few simple categories:Professionals - The medical and law team.
Mentors - Other IP's and/or Surrogates that have been there - done that and can give real world advice and feedback.
Emotional Support Team - Friends and Family that didn't understand the process and what we were going through, but were supportive the whole way through.
Fans - Random people that either in person or via the Internet offered support or kind words along the way.

Many people fit into more than one group and their help was essential to our success.

Who was on your team during your surrogacy?

You can get the sneak peak and be among the first to share your story by following this link to Surrogacy Together.


Yes. 100%! You were part of our team and had a lot of exciting positive things to share with us. I know you have your hands full right now and it can wait until everyone is strong, healthy, and home.
Cyn said…
LOVE it!! I think I qualify for 3 of those spots-if only I had brushed up on my medical knowledge!
I am sure that you have played a Dr. on SMO at some point.

I see the book as my Academy Awards moment where I pull out the very long list and Thank everyone that helped us along the way.

Good old fashion storytelling is how we learned the process.

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