Even an Easy Pregnancy is Hard....


Goes the pregnancy watch.

It's a slow activity.

With an agonizing wait between updates.

Good news, bad news, either or news,

and my favorite........

Let's do more testing in a few weeks to find out
what this means news.

We even get to wait to find out what we have been told - actually means
to us.

They will let us know, next appointment in a few weeks.

The birth date changed - and then changed again - back to the original date.


Because, it might be another date. Based on the natural order of things.
Instead of the Doctor's schedule.

I think that the only thing worse then having a baby must be -
to be the one to actually going through the pregnancy and having the baby.

I mean - it's tough enough for me just getting a baby.


Cyn said…
Imagine how tough it is for ME-waiting for you, waiting for a baby!
I will clear August and September just so I'm prepared!
Good to hear from you though!

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